
Our partnership with the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth offers a dual-degree program in which students complete three years of undergraduate study in 数学 and data analytics at 亚洲博彩平台排名, followed by two years in UMass Dartmouth's graduate program in data science.

Explore a Rapidly Emerging Field

Data analytics and data science are fundamentally concerned with collecting, cleaning and analyzing raw information to identify patterns, 得出结论, gain insights and support effective decision-making. 亚洲博彩平台排名's program provides a robust foundation in computer programming, data mining and machine learning, preparing students for leadership positions in data analytics, information management and knowledge 工程.

在索尔维·里贾纳, students complete coursework in computer science, 数据科学与分析, 数学, 物理学与统计学, along with Core Curriculum courses in the liberal arts. 在马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯, they explore the rapidly emerging fields of data analytics and discovery informatics, which integrates 数学 and computer science to quantify and manipulate information in fields such as science, 工程, 业务, 社会学, 医疗保健或规划.

Students who successfully complete the program earn a bachelor's degree in 数学 with a minor in data analytics from 亚洲博彩平台排名 and a master's degree in data science from UMass Dartmouth.

Program Spotlight: UMass Dartmouth

UMass Dartmouth's data science program is jointly offered by the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering. The curriculum emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of data science, with a focus on harnessing the potential power of big data to transform areas ranging from health care to 业务 to government.

This is an emerging field that is impacting nearly all academic disciplines and industries. 医疗保健等领域, 海洋科学, 业务 management and political science – to name a few – are increasingly using data in more sophisticated ways to drive inquiry and decision making.

Dr. Scott Field, associate professor, UMass Dartmouth



在教室里, our faculty - all of whom hold advanced degrees in 数学 or applied 数学 - help students hone their reasoning and problem-solving skills with a challenging curriculum that explores the fundamentals of 数学, 数据科学与分析, 统计学与计算机科学.​




The National Academy of Sciences, the National Association of Colleges and Employers, Business Insider and others cite data science among the fastest growing and highest paid career fields 今天. By 2040, it is likely that most jobs will require at least some basic data science skills, while millions of new jobs will become available to highly skilled data scientists, NAS预测. Business Insider reported data scientist as the best job in America based on recent surveys considering job satisfaction, job availability and median base salary.


  • Business: Data analytics, product transactions and customer engagement
  • E-commerce: Data aggregation, customer interactions, product sales data
  • Finance: Personal banking, investment portfolios
  • Government: Enabling research, mobile applications and data visualizations
  • Health care: Digital health records, treatment effectiveness, patient health initiatives
  • Social networking: User analytics for advertising and new applications
  • Science: Analyze large amounts of data to form observations and conclusions
  • Telecommunications: Data aggregation and service analytics

五年内全部完成, students in this program acquire a highly respected, values-based liberal arts education, the flexibility and marketability of a B.A. in 数学 with a minor in data analytics, and a master's degree in data science – one of the fast-growing and highest paid professions.

Dr. 欧内斯特·罗斯曼, professor and chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences



  • 计算机程序设计1
  • CSC104: Computer Programming II
  • DSA201: Introduction to Data Science and Analytics
  • DSA202: Data Analysis and Visualization
  • 离散数学
  • 微积分1
  • 微积分II
  • MTH203:微积分III
  • 线性代数
  • MTH213:微分方程
  • PHY205:物理原理1
  • PHY206: Principles of Physics II

Students entering the program in an odd calendar year complete the following three courses:

  • MTH315:几何
  • MTH411:分析1
  • MTH412:分析II

Students entering the program in an even calendar year complete the following three courses:

  • MTH421:抽象代数
  • 统计理论1
  • STA342:统计理论II

All students also choose one of the following:

  • ACC405: Accounting Research and Analytics
  • CSC300: Algorithms and Data Structures
  • ECN307: Introduction to Econometrics