
亚洲博彩平台排名 University's partnership with the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, Connecticut offers a pathway for students to earn their Doctor of 制药acy in six years. Students complete three years of study in biology or biochemistry at 亚洲博彩平台排名, followed by three years in Saint Joseph's 制药.D. 程序.

Meet the Need for Highly Qualified 制药acists

The demand for pharmacy services has resulted in a dramatic increase in salaries in all sectors of pharmacy, with starting salaries now averaging $100,000. Our partnership combines a solid liberal arts degree with a strong pharmacy 程序, allowing students to begin their careers early and fill the need for highly qualified pharmacists.

The first three years of the 程序 are devoted to undergraduate coursework at 亚洲博彩平台排名. Students complete Core Curriculum courses, requirements for the major in biology or biochemistry, and electives that include prerequisites for the pharmacy 程序. 在圣约瑟夫, students move through the 程序 as part of a cohort, completing one course at a time in order to master the subject material.

Students who successfully complete both 程序s earn a B.S. 生物学或B.A. in biochemistry from 亚洲博彩平台排名 and a 制药.D. 来自圣约瑟夫.

To be eligible for the 制药.D. 程序 at Saint Joseph, students must maintain a 2.8 GPA and complete the 制药CAS application. Students apply for the 制药.D. 程序 during the third year of their undergraduate 程序.

项目关注的焦点: Well-Rounded Education

The 3+3 dual-degree 程序 is a wonderful opportunity for any student who might be seeking a career in the pharmacy industry. 同时, this degree will ensure a strong foundation in either biochemistry or biology along with the well-rounded liberal arts education that is highly valued by employers these days.

Dr. Susan Meschwitz, associate professor and chair, Department of Chemistry


Using a hands-on approach to the exploration of scientific methods, our dedicated faculty prepare students for the challenge of exciting careers in the biological and chemical sciences. Through small class sizes that enable individual attention and the development of mentoring relationships, we seek to instill in our students a passion for learning science.





According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 有超过323个,到2021年,将有1万个药学工作岗位, with a median annual wage of $128,000.

Possible career paths include:

  • 社区药剂师: Working in retail stores or independently owned pharmacies, community pharmacists dispense medications to patients; answer questions about prescriptions, over-the-counter medications or health concerns; and provide some primary care services, 比如注射流感疫苗.
  • 临床药师: 在医院工作, clinics and other health care settings, clinical pharmacists recommend medications to give to patients and oversee the dosage and delivery of those medications. They also may conduct some medical tests and offer advice to patients.
  • 药剂师:顾问 Working in health care facilities or with insurance providers, consultant pharmacists offer advice on patient medication use or improving pharmacy services, and give advice directly to patients, such as helping seniors manage their prescriptions.
  • 制药aceutical industry pharmacist: 从事市场营销工作, sales or research and development, pharmaceutical industry pharmacists may design or conduct clinical drug trials, 帮助开发新药, or establish safety regulations and ensure quality control for drugs.


For each major listed below, students will take additional electives at Saint Joseph to complete their required coursework. Further details are available from the 程序 liaison upon request.


17门课程| 64-65学分


  • BIO111:普通生物学1
  • BIO112:普通生物学II
  • BIO210:微生物学
  • BIO220: Cell Biology and Chemistry
  • BIO252: Genetics: Classical, Molecular and Population
  • BIO305:人体解剖学
  • BIO325:人体生理学
  • BIO471:生物学研讨会
  • CHM113: General Chemistry I
  • CHM114: General Chemistry II
  • 有机化学1
  • CHM206: Organic Chemistry II
  • ECN101: Introductory Macroeconomics
  • MTH191: Applied Calculus or 微积分1
  • PHY201:物理1
  • PHY202:物理II
  • STA173: Statistical Methods


15门课程| 59学分


  • BCH403:生物化学
  • BIO112:普通生物学II
  • BIO210:微生物学
  • BIO220: Cell Biology and Chemistry
  • BIO305:人体解剖学
  • BIO325:人体生理学
  • CHM113: General Chemistry I
  • CHM114: General Chemistry II
  • 有机化学1
  • CHM206: Organic Chemistry II
  • PHY205: Principles of Physics I
  • 微积分1
  • 微积分II
  • STA173: Statistical Methods

Students also choose one of the following:

  • CHM301: Analytical Chemistry
  • CHM305: Physical Chemistry I
  • CHM309: Instrumental Analysis
  • CHM408: Inorganic Chemistry